The S Spot
  bad uncle rico
It's been eight years that I've been making vitamins and I am thankful everyday to have a job that I enjoy. I had no plans when I was in high school or college for what I was going to "do" with my life. Reading books I guess if I could have come up with a job that let me read all day then I guess I would have done that, but this is pretty good.
I do acknowledge that I can be conflicted about being part of an industry that sometimes (many times) cashes in on consumers lack of education and insecurities (like Bust Must in Napoleon Dynamite). I think that the amount of information out there can be confusing and misleading at times. That's why I prefer of course to eat well and supplement when necessary. A multivitamin is like money in the bank (not the Beastie Boys money in the bank), but a substantial deposit upon which your body can draw what it needs. No, I don't eat enough fish, but yes I do keep my brain greased with a fish oil supplement. Even Mougeboots is taking fish oil, he also takes l-carnitine for his heart health. Calcium citrate does me good when I am approaching that week before aunt flo comes. Stress B to help keep me sane. Goldenseal to dry up any post nasal drip caused by allergies. Of course being in vitamins means I've got more than the normal array that a person would need in the closet, see the picture. I do have a lot of "just in case" vitamins - cranberry concentrate - good to fight uti's, zinc to fights colds and acne.

the vit & pharma drawer
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