The S Spot
  Hous yur daug doin?

Preface - There is an older gentleman in the office that has a German short haired pointer. Amber is the same bossy age as Mugsy. This gentleman is also German, like his dog; except his dog is from Ohio. He was recently in a nearly head-on car collision that left him banged up. Today was his first day back to the office.

As I passed by him in the office I asked, "How is your dog doing?

He turned to me weaving slightly and replied, "Good. I take da painkillers."

His pupils were the size of pinheads. He continued, "You know da hospital dey only give you 20 pills, but da kids dey, you know have deir own supply dat I'll probably empty out."

He ever so slightly swayed to and fro, finishing with, "Odervise it hurts to breade."

Epilogue - Whether he really thought I asked him how he was doing I'll never know. But if Amber is really like Mugsy then taking drugs might make it easier to hang out with her.

Come to think of it I'd rather give Mugsy some drugs to help slide him a little lower down on the bossy scale.*

*Eym mosly jus kidn.
  Book it

Travelling for work is always the same and always a little different.
Oh California, nice weather have a good time.
Oh 5 hour plane ride, no movie to watch because Jet Blue only takes a credit card swipe and the reader wasn't working on my seat - going to and coming from. Channel flipping for that long is a drag. Airports, rental cars, and hotels. Take out food. Dinners alone.
The work part is no problem. The downtime can be lonely and depressing if you spend too much time looking at the cheesy acrylic bedspread, the dark emerald carpet with the crusty brown stain near the desk or the floral wall paper that clashes with the busy drapes.
Just to make the stay more enjoyable there was a smell that I can't even classify as a fragrance, it was really just a noxious cloud of chemicals that hung in the air every day after the carpet cleaner came through. After work I open the door to the room, hold my breathe and speed to the window for fresh air. Damn those little safety locks they put on the windows so you can't get a decent breeze or throw yourself out to get away from the suffocating fragrance. Yes just more of the same.
And then something different. The second night there I had just watched the final moments of a movie that shouldn't have been made, a movie that shouldn't have been watched. After the movie I threw on pjs, peeled back the cheesy bedspread and settled in for the night. Over the loudspeaker, "This is a fire alarm. Please leave the hotel from the nearest exit."
Loop that about 1000 more times.
In typical jaded NY style, that I feel entitled too if you read to the end, I called the front desk and asked, "Is this for real? Or did some kid pull the alarm?"
The clerk at the desk replied, "Yes ma'am there is smoke in the hotel and you need to leave your room."
It was a little after 11 pm. Skeptical of any danger to my own life I took my time got dressed, ignored the knock when the hotel staff finally got around to the 6th floor to check rooms for people, packed up my purse with key items grabbed the camera and a bottle of water and headed out. I think I was one of the last people to exit the building. Knowing the whole time that my attitude is probably what gets people killed, but it also preserves sanity. I would have been really pissed off to go out there in my pj's and have to hang out in a crowd of people only to find out that there was no fire, just a small problem with one of the elevator motors overheating, smoking and stinking things up.
Technically that wasn't something entirely different for a business trip, because it had happened once before. Only that time when I had called the front desk to check they told me to remain in my room as it was only a malfunction.
It wasn't all bad the Fire Dept showed up and did their thing quickly and efficiently.We were back in our rooms within a half an hour.
Work went smoothly the rest of the week and yes I did catch some rays by the pool.
So the next time they ask if I can travel again I'll rely on my same old line, "When do you want me there?"
  bad uncle rico
It's been eight years that I've been making vitamins and I am thankful everyday to have a job that I enjoy. I had no plans when I was in high school or college for what I was going to "do" with my life. Reading books I guess if I could have come up with a job that let me read all day then I guess I would have done that, but this is pretty good.
I do acknowledge that I can be conflicted about being part of an industry that sometimes (many times) cashes in on consumers lack of education and insecurities (like Bust Must in Napoleon Dynamite). I think that the amount of information out there can be confusing and misleading at times. That's why I prefer of course to eat well and supplement when necessary. A multivitamin is like money in the bank (not the Beastie Boys money in the bank), but a substantial deposit upon which your body can draw what it needs. No, I don't eat enough fish, but yes I do keep my brain greased with a fish oil supplement. Even Mougeboots is taking fish oil, he also takes l-carnitine for his heart health. Calcium citrate does me good when I am approaching that week before aunt flo comes. Stress B to help keep me sane. Goldenseal to dry up any post nasal drip caused by allergies. Of course being in vitamins means I've got more than the normal array that a person would need in the closet, see the picture. I do have a lot of "just in case" vitamins - cranberry concentrate - good to fight uti's, zinc to fights colds and acne.

the vit & pharma drawer
  Trip to CT

This past weekend mugsy boots and I went to CT to visit my friend Amanda and her new baby Josie. Jackson the brown lab is mugsy's new best friend. See the flickr badge on the right for pics!

positive energy

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