The S Spot
  Finn Barrett

Finn Barrett
Congratulations to Kate and Braden on their new baby Finn Barrett. Rounding out the count of nephews to 5 all together.
  Contact your Representatives - Keep Bush & Cheney out of Iran
You can go online and send your congressional representative emails telling them that they need to keep Bush & Cheney out of Iran. They are itching to get some bombs off before they leave office. It will be a very bad scene. Better yet let's impeach Bush before he can do any more damage. Speak up if you don't like it let Congress know. They aren't feeling enough heat from regular people. Send an email, start a petition, join a demonstration. Let's take back the power from this dictatorship. They are going to try to start another war (let's face it we invaded Iraq and started a war without provocation, based on trumped up evidence). Be careful of the media they played into and hyped up Bush's military forays the entire time. If you watch closely many media outlets are blindly playing into again as they set up the framework for making Iran a "problem" that only the United States can fix.

One Earth

One Consciousness.

One Person can make a difference.
  Weddings '07

Congratulations to Rachel & Matt - Lori & Craig - up next Chris & Felicia
  Edgell & Nicosia Family Crab Fest

What fun! Blue crab fest from Labor Day weekend. Kudos to Colin and Jen the fare was wonderful.

Thank goodness these hot crabs were the eatin' kind!


positive energy

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