The S Spot
  Stop by the thrift store...

I have a guilty pleasure. Maybe it's an addiction. I love to flip through mail order catalogs. While I'm eating breakfast. While I'm eating lunch and if I'm eating alone dinner you guessed it. Sometimes I'm even sneaking peeks while I'm on the phone, especially if I have just received a new one. Sorry. It is too irresistible for me to just let it sit there. I know it's awful.

Anyway yesterday while reflipping through Pottery Barn Kids edition I noticed something I thought was unusual. Look at the picture can you spot it?
What the BattleCat is going on in there?
  Bush bye bye-o
I just finished some cereal and came on to blog something entirely different and read this in an online article and it pissed me off. It didn't surprise me it just pissed me off.

Bush struck a defiant note in an interview to be televised Sunday by CBS on "60 Minutes." Asked if he believes he has the authority to send additional troops to Iraq no matter what Congress wants to do, Bush said: "I think I've got — in this situation, I do, yeah. And I fully understand they will ... they could try to stop me from doing it, but, uh, I've made my decision and we're going forward."

By ANNE FLAHERTY, Associated Press Writer Sat Jan 13, 4:37 AM ET
  government of the people, by the people, for the people
Small peaceful gathering in Sayville last night. This was one of the signs we had. The other was NO MORE TROOPS!
I sat on the bench in the cold with 2 other people and we talked about the war and Bush and all things related. People beeped their support. I remain hopeful that the nation will awake from this terrible nightmare. Dubya nightmare.
Watch how he tries to get into it with Iran. Don't forget that this government is supposed to be by the people for the your senators it matters and every tiny shift in the consciousness of the world makes a difference.
As Gabriela so aptly pointed out
If everyone demanded peace instead of another television set, then there'd be peace.
John Lennon (1940-1980)


  United for Peace : Index
It's time. Do something.

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