The final straw? Fake Moon landing
Ok heard listening to NPR this morning that NASA - listen to this - think you got pissed back in the day when someone taped over your 'Dallas' episode? They erased the 'original' footage of the moon landing. Okay...biggest hoax of the all time ever? Did it really happen? Did they really walk on the moon? If so why haven't they been back? Does it all really even matter?
¶ 7/16/2009 08:03:00 PM0 comments
FMLA over
Maternity leave is up and I am returning to work. It's sad that in America children's health is not a priority. If it was mother's would be able to easily breastfeed for that first 6 months to a year without fearing losing their jobs. So let the pumping begin and hopefully I'll be able to make it last until he's one. Wish me luck!
¶ 2/28/2009 08:45:00 AM0 comments